Sunday, September 03, 2006

Global Beat - Letter #6 | The Apollo Program

Hi Dear Friends and Heroes!

Welcome back to Global Beat. seems is passed a month from the last release..!

Anyway, good thing is that I' m here again (with a third eye on the
shoulder, after a sunday passed into the sea of Sottomarina. A mixture
of dirty water, sand and unspecified form of life. Or death as we
prefer..), spreading good music, and writing bullshit..hahaha

No, ok, this time I' ll write something intresting and usefull.

Let' s start with something for all of you Italian friend.

10 September 2006

Matmos @ Teatro Goldoni - Venezia

For those who don' t know them, they' re famous for their narrow
cooperation with Bjork. They' re a duo made by Martin Schmidt and Drew
They are one of the important and dear realities of electronics,
creators of a music which uses the most disparate sources of sound. In
their discs and the performances from the living, Matmos use, to
example, sounds of pages of books, whistles, kisses, organic moods,
surgical interventions, microphones to contact on the body, insects,
tools...sample sample sample!
A must-go concert.!

Buy the ticket here:

Second news.

"Hello Everything" is comed out..Yes, the big Squarepusher have
released his new album.

Well, what to say.

Acid synth, syncopated battery (sometimes allucinated) live
instruments, mixed into an album that goes from easy played jazz to
the most experimental electronic jazz. In the way it meant to be

I always wondering what could pass in his head while producing his music.

Wow, really fascinating.

You could find the Cd @


3rd and last news.

Remember my intention to post the Global Beat also on the net? Well,
now it' s online.!

so, check

here you' ll find all the release, but..without song..

Anyway on every release you' ll find all the necessary information to
find and download the song.

Ok, let' s pass to the artist of the week.

His name is:

The Apollo Program

Sometimes he write music and record it badly but he put it up anyway.
Sometime he try to write music and get stressed so he tear his hair
out. Sometimes he think his voice is going out.

Sometimes people don't have to think. Just shoot. (Lomoooo)

I don' t have too much information about himself. I could say that
under the name The Apollo Program is hidden Brian Peterson, from
Seattle. Where a lot of thing have began.

Song name is:

Silence and Betrayal

The fast and veiled drum, accompained with a carpet of melancholic
synth and the warm voice of our Brian, will send us into an another
world, ready to dive into our imagination.

Close your eyes, pump up the volume..and enjoy.

See you in 2 weeks!

Best to all



Anonymous said...

love silence and betrayal; good find!

samake said...

Due parole sul concerto di ieri sera a Venezia dei Matmos..
ad aprirlo un'affascinante Zeena Parkins che avvolta in un drappo bianco da dietro la sua arpa annuncia il suono come protagonista assoluto della serata. A seguire il duo americano, ha presentato il nuovo disco "The Rose Has Teeth In the Mouth of a Beast", un raffinato lavoro carico di riferimenti filosofici. Operando su livelli linguistici diversi suono concreto, distorsioni elettriche, performance e videoarte portano lo spettatore all'abbandono dei sensi. Fiori che si fondono con viscere animali, dissolvenze e sfondi acquatici sono le immagini che accompagnano il talento di Drew Daniel, impegnato alla manipolazione dei suoni, tra campionatori e sintetizzatori e di M. C. Schmidt che vediamo anche in un ironico duo al pianoforte con Zeena Prkins fornita di parrucca. Col susseguirsi di suoni sperimentali e drums elettroniche i Matmos si fanno creatori di un viaggio sonoro dove la musica non segue alcuna regola canonica ma si fonde nell' illusione della nostra stessa esperienza.